Bitter cold and rough snow can be quite harsh on your pets, causing them much suffering. You are more or less bound to get your short haired pets an appropriate bed, at least, to let them stay comfortable with warmth. The cold, winter days have always been harsh on our poor, furry companions. On that note, let us find out how you can save your pet in this season.
Bringing Them Inside During Cold Weather
Pets can get cold to the point of being uncomfortable when outside for too long in winter. So, bring them inside as soon as they’re ready. Furthermore, it is recommended that you should never leave your pets alone in your car during cold weather, as cars have a reputation for acting as refrigerators, capturing the cold and causing animals to become seriously unwell.
For those in the United States, you should know that the Humane Society of the United States have made it mandatory for every pet owner to safeguard their pets from extreme environmental conditions by building a dry, draft-free enclosure that’s large enough to allow them to rest freely but small enough to hold their body heat, if not allowed inside.
Protecting Their Paws
Salt and ice in melting snow can burn your pet’s paws, so always wipe them with a wet towel before allowing your pets to lick, as this might cause irritation in the mouth. It’s always advisable to make use of petroleum jelly or booties for the protection of sensitive paws. You can also use pet-friendly ice melt and other products available in pet stores in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Taking Care of Their Coat And Skin
The different veterinary associations in the USA recommend that you should keep your home humidified, and towel dry your pets as soon as they come indoors to avoid itchy and flaking skin. You should pay special attention to their paws and the area between their toes. If possible, keep your dog’s coat a bit longer than usual during the cold winter months for added warmth, and in case your dog is short-haired, consider getting a warm jacket or sweater for them.
Moreover, you should keep pet bathing to a bare minimum when it’s extremely cold outside in order to avoid dry skin. In case your pet needs a bath urgently, consider opting for a moisturizing shampoo that is made especially for them – you’ll often find these in pet stores in Scottsdale.
Knowing Your Pet’s Outdoor Limits
Of course, you should also be aware of how well your pet tolerates the low temperatures, and adjust as and when you’re required to. You should consult your veterinarian if you need advice.
Pets are our babies; when winter affects them, they suffer through it just the same as our children do when winter hits with full force and fury. To that effect, well, you’ll need to actually know how to deal with it so that your furry companion doesn’t have to take a beating yet can’t say boo about it. The cold basically makes them prone and vulnerable to irritating skin conditions, as well as severe hypothermia or frostbite.
Hence, you should go through these tips to make sure you’re always well-equipped to comfort your four-legged friends and give them their much-needed warmth during the winter weather.